10 Jul 2022
Vote Leave Campaign promises by Johnson:
- Can create a more humane immigration system
- A friendlier relationship with the EU based on Trade
- £350 million a week sent to the EU - lets fund our NHS instead
Johnson was appointed Tory Leader and supported by Tory MPs for best part of 3 years - despite being fired from previous jobs, breaking promises and his dishonest record.
- UK Pound lost value making all imports more costly
- Farmers, Businesses, Fishermen and Scientists know it is damaging
- The UK has not applied the agreement to EU imports, despite spending millions on dockside storage, because it would further add to inflation.
- Travellers no longer in faster lane EU checks
- Hard Brexit and 'Oven Ready Deal' increases instability in Northern Ireland
Legacy of Conservative MPs supporting Johnson and Brexit:
- 6.6 million NHS backlog
- Fastlane contracts and millions handed Tory contacts
- Slow response to covid with high death rates
- Army reduced by 10 thousand people
- Peerages handed to Tory donors
- Rule of law ignored
- Nation's reputation for fairness damaged